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1950-1955 : The prototypes
The choice of the site
EDF or BEST photographs
Access to the site
Establishment of the site
The team
Design features
The wind turbine commented
Sights on the wind turbine
Close-ups on the wind turbine
The measuring station
Tilting the wind turbine
1959: Record of production
Disassembling the generator
Some figures
1966: the scraping
What is left of the wind turbine?
Great power wind turbines
Where are the archives?
Lucien Romani
L. Romani & l'O.N.E.R.A.
Rauline Report and the N.A.S.A.
French wind links
Legal notice
Site map
Who am I?

The domain names: and
are owned by Jean-Luc Cavey
65, bd Brune - 75014 Paris - France

They are hosted by OVH S.A,
SASU with capital of 10 174 560.00 €
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 42476141900045
Code APE 6311Z
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Head office : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France.

This site is copyrighted by Jean-Luc Cavey (2004-2022).
You are authorized to reproduce parts of the text or to use the photographs, without alteration or modification, provided that you specify the origin and put a link on this site.
Photographs are licensed under CC-BY-SA-4.0.
You may also link to this site from your site, provided that the link opens in a new browser window.

Contact : Who am I ?

Dernière mise à jour : 31-Oct-2022 15:13:23 CET