Disassembling the generator


1950-1955 : The prototypes
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Tilting the wind turbine
1959: Record of production
Disassembling the generator
Some figures
1966: the scraping
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As historic as it was, the production record of 27 October 1959 had not been without damage to the turbine: the generator had suffered, the clutch had to be rebuilt and various equipment replaced.

The photos below were taken in December 1959 during the dismantling of the generator by the Société des Monteurs-Levageurs. They give an idea of its size.

The extraction of the generator, due to its position in the nacelle, was carried out with the wind turbine tilted, from the side of the nacelle opposite the propeller (i.e. from the top when the turbine is horizontal) after having dismantled the clutch (third photo in the first row).

Eolienne_040_05.png Eolienne_040_06.png Eolienne_022_01.png
Eolienne_022_03.png Eolienne_022_02.png Eolienne_022_04.png
Eolienne_022_05.png Eolienne_023_04.png Eolienne_022_06.png
Eolienne_023_05.png Eolienne_023_02.png Eolienne_058_01.png
(Click on the pictures to see their actual size).
Last update: May-17-2021 19h50 CEST

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